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Partner event 21 February 2022 - Webinar

State of Play CO2 Geological Storage

State of Play CO2 Geological Storage

On the 21st of February 2022, CO2GeoNet will host a Webinar offering a tour through the CO2GeoNet report on the state-of-play on CO2 storage in 32 European countries, highlighting hot spots, remaining barriers and growing practical experience in safely storing CO2.

Looking for the latest news on the status of geological storage of CO2 in Europe?
Want to know in which regions geological CO2 storage is permissible?
Seeking information on hot spots for research and practical demonstration?
Concerned about barriers hindering deployment in a particular country?

Look no further! The latest CO2GeoNet State of Play report on COstorage in Europe puts this information right at your fingertips.

Practical information


21 Feb 2022


2:00 PM - 4:30 PM


Ceri Vincent
British Geological Survey